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Newest updates

I want to take a moment to highlight some recent additions to the website during the soft launch of the first month (April) and nearby future updates. I have spent dozens of hours expanding my offering and I can announce there are two large expansions to the website all available for the standard Membership package at €9.99.

FEmale Fitness:

A whole new section for females called: Female Fitness, has been added. 3 unique plans currently available, with a 4th almost finished development:

  1. Preparation: Baby Steps - A 3-week plan designed for those getting back into fitness after pregnancy or after a long time of minimal/no fitness.

  2. Who Runs The World - A 12-week gym-orientated workout to develop the superwoman within. Girls, who runs this mother!?

  3. Femme Fatale - A 6-week home workout featuring 4 workouts a week.

Arriving this week:

Post Pregnancy - The 4th female fitness plan. A 12-week home workout plan for those new mothers wanting to get back into those post pregnancy jeans, designed as a progression after completing Preparation: Baby Steps. This plan can also be used by those entering fitness after a long time out.


Nutrition has arrived to starting with delivering options for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and, of course, snacks! Simply go to the new Nutrition menu and check out each relevant meal and be amazed at the wealth of choices you can choose to eat from daily. Every option has been carefully chosen to fit a healthy lifestyle, so you cannot go wrong choosing 1 meal option from each meal plan daily. It also features many recipes for those who love to cook (or are learning). This section is currently available for females, with the men receiving their nutrition section early this month.

Both sections will be added to over time for even more choices and at the same price. For now men, feel free to sample the female nutrition section and simply increase the portion sizes of each meal to fit your needs, but soon the wait will be over for you!

User Experience Improvements:

Finally in changes, there have been many user interface upgrades and loading improvements throughout the website on both desktop and mobile versions for a more enjoyable experience. Thank you for any feedback.

Future additions in May:

As mentioned, the male nutrition section will be the next major upgrade to the website, after the addition of the Post-Pregnancy fitness plan. I will be improving the user experience in each of the currently existing plans with providing easy to access quick links to the Coaching section to make finding exercise videos even faster (particularly on mobile). This quick link feature is currently only in the Beginner plans and the brand new Female Fitness plans. Mobile in particular will feature many fast-track options in all existing plans to get you back to a certain section in your chosen fitness plan. Bear with me as I get all this done this month

I hope you enjoy the new and improved website!

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